Aug 15, 2011

Our little t-shirt ninja is growing up

This morning I took a trip out to the local university, SIUE, with my assistant and resident "t-shirt ninja", Rachel. Rachel has been coming into my office since she was in the 6th grade. She used to come in and organize my office and clean like no child should have ever known how to. Rachel and her brother Eric were tiny tornados of organization. And the best part was at that age they worked for pizza and free t-shirts. I hired her after she turned 16 and she has been an asset to my company ever since. It was bitter sweet showing her around campus today. I am really happy for her and proud of the choices that she is making but I sort of want her to stay the 13 year old kid that I first met. As I was showing her all of the places I used to sleep between classes she took note of all of the places she could study instead. This kid is going places.

And, since I am the sort of boss that oversteps every boundary I am supposed to have with employees I took pictures like it was her first day of kindergarten while she collected all of the books that she needed for her classes.

Good luck "t-shirt ninja." I cannot wait to live vicariously through you and all of your exciting college adventures.
Apparently I slept through a lot of mine:)

1 comment:

Rachel Bassett said...

sooo adorable :) I would put a heart but that would probably be crossing the boss/assistant line. And might even come off a little creepy so I'm just going to refrain from doing so :)