Aug 25, 2011

My neighbors ROCK!

Just when I thought that some of my neighbors, Teresa and Ron, had the title of "nicest people on the planet" all locked up, they went and outdid themselves! Today they brought in a homemade pizza with fresh ingredients and a sauce that they created themselves! I'm not positive what the ingredients are but after tasting it my guess is tomatoes, basil and magic. Because it's amazing!

Ron and Teresa have a dream to open a pizza shop someday of their own and by the taste of the creation that they brought in today they are well on their way. A big thanks to my neighbors. And I will return the pan as soon as it's finished... and at the rate Rachel and I are going that should be in about 5 seconds. Well, 10 seconds if you count us licking the pan clean.

I know I mention this in every post but I love this town!

Aug 24, 2011

Know your neighbors

I am the person at a party that introduces everyone, sometimes more than once, just so that I have a feeling of friendship in the air. I really hate the feeling of being the only person in a room that doesn't know everyone (which is why I try to know everyone on the planet). But the real reason I love introductions is because everyone has a story. Sometimes it takes a while to get to know truly great tales about people but everyone is interesting in their own way. So I have decided to start writing a set of blogs that introduce the interesting people that I meet to the rest of the world. One of my favorite parts of having a small business in a small town is that I always get to know my neighbors and everyone looks out for one another. That's almost impossible in a big city and it is one of my favorite perks of being the shirt girl.

Stay posted and get ready to meet some really interesting people.

Aug 23, 2011

Roger Dodger and the Rooster

My good buddy Rodger came in to the office a few months ago to ask me some questions about an order he needed to place. Rodger Dodger is an all around good guy and would do anything, for anybody. On this particular trip into the shop I noticed that he was carrying a rooster under his arm. He didn't make any reference to it so I didn't either at first. After he discussed what he needed I just couldn't let it go so I said, "Hey Roger, you know you have a rooster under your arm right?" He just smirked. So then I said, "okay, I have to know... why do you have a rooster with you?"

He looked right at me and said, "Kelly, I couldn't just leave him in the truck now could I?"

Fair enough Rodger Dodger. Leaving a rooster in your truck would be almost as crazy as bringing it in to order t-shirts.

Have I mentioned how much I love this town and my job? I really do. Where else would things like this happen?

Aug 15, 2011

Our little t-shirt ninja is growing up

This morning I took a trip out to the local university, SIUE, with my assistant and resident "t-shirt ninja", Rachel. Rachel has been coming into my office since she was in the 6th grade. She used to come in and organize my office and clean like no child should have ever known how to. Rachel and her brother Eric were tiny tornados of organization. And the best part was at that age they worked for pizza and free t-shirts. I hired her after she turned 16 and she has been an asset to my company ever since. It was bitter sweet showing her around campus today. I am really happy for her and proud of the choices that she is making but I sort of want her to stay the 13 year old kid that I first met. As I was showing her all of the places I used to sleep between classes she took note of all of the places she could study instead. This kid is going places.

And, since I am the sort of boss that oversteps every boundary I am supposed to have with employees I took pictures like it was her first day of kindergarten while she collected all of the books that she needed for her classes.

Good luck "t-shirt ninja." I cannot wait to live vicariously through you and all of your exciting college adventures.
Apparently I slept through a lot of mine:)

Aug 12, 2011

Pecan pie is the best form of payment

I have been craving pecan pie lately. This is not a rare thing. I think most people crave pie and just don't admit it. Every time I think of pecan pie it reminds me of one of my favorite neighbors, Mrs. Brendel. She passed away a while back but I think of her around this time every year. She would stop in the office every now and again and bring me goodies like historic photos of my office building and tell me about old businesses around town. She was the second visitor when I opened my office. She came down and took my picture and grabbed a business card to put in the photo album that she kept of historical facts around Marine. I was proud to make the book!

One day Mrs. Brendel called and asked if I could print some return address labels for her. She said that she needed some for envelopes and to put on some pans when she gave out baked goods. That way people knew who to return the dish to. Now, I don't actually print return address labels but she was one of the sweetest people on the planet so I gladly printed them up and told her to come on down. She came in to pick them up a few moments later and asked how much she owed. I told her it was really no problem and there was no charge. She insisted that she had to bring something but I refused. And thank god I did. A few hours later she returned with two individual pecan pies that fit perfectly in each hand.

They. Were. Amazing.

No offense to debtracy (pronounced as one word said quickly), my mom, but they may have been the best pecan pie I had ever had. And of course they were made from scratch. After that every time Mrs. Brendel needed anything I just said yes. It didn't matter what it was because I knew I was going to get a tiny pie just for me. If she had asked me to wash her windows I would have gladly done it for a pie.

I love that I have a business in a place where people still pay in pie. My waist line doesn't really love it but I do and I hope it never changes.